UX Audit: Identify Compliance & Usability Issues

Two decades of UX UI design experience has equipped us with the expertise and skills to make your product conversion-oriented and competitive. We help you identify the areas of improvement in your product and uncover new opportunities for growth and success.  Take the first step to supercharge your applications and business with conversion oriented UI UX designs . 


People abandon a site with bad user experience


Mobile apps have only been used once


Online businesses fail due to bad user experience


Users stop using an app due to poor performance

product-design-service product-design-service

Our UX audit Areas

Usability testing, heuristics evaluation, design system compliance and accessibility compliance to make your product perform better, meet conversation goals and increase customer retention

  • Accessibility compliance

    Our Accessibility Compliance Audit process ensures that your digital product meets the accessibility standards & regulations, including the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), European Accessibility Act (EAA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our team of experts evaluate your product and provide a detailed report highlighting any issues and actionable recommendations to make your apps fully compliant with WCAG, EAA, ADA and other applicable standards and regulations.

  • Heuristic evaluation

    We audit your digital product against usability heuristics for UI design, including visibility, user control and freedom, consistency and standards, and error prevention. A detailed report outlining any issues and including recommendations to improve the user experience is provided to ensure that your product meets the optimum UX standards.

  • Design system compliance

    With design system evaluation services, we ensure that your digital product aligns with your organization’s design system. We explore your design system in detail and audit the product against it to find out areas of inconsistencies and non-adherence. A final report showcasing the deviations from standards and suggesting possible improvements is shared after evaluation.

Our UX audit process

We use a well-defined UX audit process, giving equal importance to business goals and user needs, to propose tailored recommendations for businesses to improve their product.

Project analysis

To understand your business, challenges, and goals, we start with a discovery meeting. This gives us a fundamental understanding of your requirements, based on which we tailor the best approach for your product audit.

  • options-pointer Gain insights
  • options-pointer Align with requirements
  • options-pointer Tailor audit


After gathering business requirements, we conduct three key research steps: Analytics review to gain insights into u ser interactions, competitor research to assess similar products, and user research to understand user needs.

  • options-pointer Analytics study
  • options-pointer Competitor research
  • options-pointer User research

UX audit

To identify gaps in your digital product experience, we provide heuristic evaluation and accessibility compliance & design systems audit. The scope and maturity of your project determine the UX audit services best fit for you.

  • options-pointer Gaps Identification
  • options-pointer Accessibility compliance
  • options-pointer Design system compliance

Usability testing

For better insights into user interactions and challenges, we conduct usability testing including observing users in real-time as they interact with the product and interviews to assess their experience. 

  • options-pointer Real time observations
  • options-pointer User experience assessment


We document the UX audit findings, providing a detailed outline of uncovered issues and recommended solutions. You'll receive a comprehensive report with prioritized issues, recommendations & implementation estimates.

  • options-pointer Documentation
  • options-pointer Recommendations
  • options-pointer Action plan

FAQ on UX audit services

What deliverables will I receive after a UX audit?

The final deliverables will be decided after the discovery meeting with your team and analyzing your requirements and product maturity stage. Common deliverables included are: 
  • options-pointer User interview reports
  • options-pointer User flow analysis
  • options-pointer Screen markups
  • options-pointer Usability test observations
  • options-pointer Product roadmap recommendation

What details will the UX audit report contain?

Even functionally sound apps can fail to engage users if it has a poor design. Good design makes apps usable and engaging while keeping it aesthetic. A UX UI design company follows a comprehensive design process that enables them to create designs which delight users.

How often should I conduct a UX Audit?

Even functionally sound apps can fail to engage users if it has a poor design. Good design makes apps usable and engaging while keeping it aesthetic. A UX UI design company follows a comprehensive design process that enables them to create designs which delight users.

When do I need a UX audit?

Even functionally sound apps can fail to engage users if it has a poor design. Good design makes apps usable and engaging while keeping it aesthetic. A UX UI design company follows a comprehensive design process that enables them to create designs which delight users.

How long will a UX audit take?

Even functionally sound apps can fail to engage users if it has a poor design. Good design makes apps usable and engaging while keeping it aesthetic. A UX UI design company follows a comprehensive design process that enables them to create designs which delight users.